World class manufacturing
Human Centered Production
A company's employees are key to its succes!
A company can only grow if its employees can grow as well.
Knowledge is worth nothing in the hands of an individual. It becomes very valuable when it is shared throughout the whole company, however.
A flat structure provides greater responsibilities for every employee.
By investing in a good interaction between man and machine, we increase the productivity significantly.
The involvement of our employees is crucial for the future development of our company.
Tomorrow's company is not only concerned with having a hypermodern machinepark that is digitally controlled. It is also ecologically aware and works closely with its suppliers and clients in an open relationship, where innovation and win-win are far more important than blocking yourself out in a protective bubble. A company needs people who are involved, who build, invent, create and make plans. It also needs entrepreneurs with an ethusiasm to build a productive and lucrative business.
These are some quotes we at Fomeco consider to be of utmost importance and we aspire to make these a reality. Every day, we try to achieve this goal by doing the following:
-Daily teammeetings with all operators
-Having a Decentralised Idea Management System that focusses on the ideas of our production operators
-Recruiting new staff members
-Training on the job
-Frequent reviews that might lead to extra training
-Involvement on all levels when solving quality-, safety- or logistical non-conformities using 8D methodology
-Involvement of the employees when improving the overall efficiency using the KAIZEN methodology

Digital Factory & logistics
Several years ago, Fomeco has undergone a complete digital overhaul. Fomeco is practically paperless, which makes it possible for operators to consult instructions or production planning digitally and provide feedback on the yield, on non-quality or on other issues. Operators can also control forklifts using these tablets, quickly share documents with each other and efficiently monitor their sector.
At the heart of our digital transformation lies our home-made ERP system.
In addition, we share EDI connections with most of our clients, which makes sharing files and bills even easier, requiring little to no manual input. The production planning is drawn up here and sent to the other workstations.
All stocks are clearly identified by barcodes and/or QR-codes that are entered into our ERP system.

Lean Management & QRM
Thanks to several ”lean methods“, such as a work(ing time) analysis, we want to efficiently organise our working stations for different products groups. This is why we make more use of the Quick Manufacturing principles, that reduce lead times, intermediate stocks and logistical operations.
Quality management
Maintaining such a level of quality requires an efficient analysis of work processes and product design. Using different “quality measuring tools” such as APQP, PPAP, FMEA, cpk, POKA, visual instructions and others, we design our own tools and processes to deliver a world-class quality to our clients.
Thanks to our ISO/TS 16949 quality management system, we can ensure continuity of a quality service. A typical Dutch saying goes “Meten is weten” (“Measuring is knowing”) and it is one of the most important principles of quality control. To this end, Fomeco boasts state-of-the-art measuring instruments.
We consider the attitude to always wanting to improve yourself to be equally as important. We utilise DMAIC and 6sigma methodology to, for example, structure this process. This is why about 15 GREEN BELT engineers and 1 BLACK BELT engineer work at Fomeco Belgium.
Of course, we think that every non-conformity during the process or the final inspection should be thoroughly analysed using a multidisciplinary approach using the 8D methodology.